Today we had two conformation competitions and a group dinner.
But first we had to start with grooming
The look on this poor dog show what we all think of it. Personally I think that long unruly hair looks great.
Then the specialty started. First was sweepstakes:
Best in puppy sweepstakes was Duets About Last Night, owner Beverly Kolb, from the Senior Puppy (9-12 months) Bitch class. Best of Opposite was Foxrun Bangers N Mash, owner Jen Holder, from the Junior Puppy (6-9 months) Dog class.
Best in veteran sweepstakes was Ch Talex Good Thyme Gal JE, a bitch owned by Jen Holder. BOS was Ch Conundrum Causin Chaos, owned by Michael Shoreman.
Then the regular classes:
Winners Bitch and Best of Breed was Roschel's Mariah from the Open class, owned by Susan Newell and bred by Mike and Rosemary Shoreman.
Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex was Towzie Tyke Tartan from the Bred By class, owned by Wayne & Joyce Kirn
To give you an idea of the obsession all the people here have with grooming, here's Tartan waiting to go into breed
Well, okay, maybe a good brushing feels good.
Now some of you might have noted that my name isn't listed, I did go in today and showed my best. Worked really hard to sparkle. My sire on the other hand:
This is outside the ring, but I assure you that he wasn't much better when he was in the ring during breed. The judge told the winners dog & bitch and veterans to relax in one corner while she went over the specials (including ME) and Roger took her literally. He was pretty active during his actual showing though and won Best Veteran. Me, the one who really worked the whole time, nothing. Come on, he's 13 already, when is he going to retire?
Best Veteran Bitch was Ch Talex Good Thyme Gal JE.
To be continued