Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday at the Specialty Site

Well it appears that The Big G (aka my Uncle Gunter) has hijacked my blog a bit.  I was told that I have to let him, have respect for my elders and all that (He's 13....really old!).

Anyway, we got to the specialty site in Tryon, North Carolina today, after a long drive.  The RV area is ready for people to come in.

Behind me is the covered arena where everything but tracking and earthdog will take place.  I'm supposed to do obedience in there on Thursday.  We'll see.  Tomorrow I have to help with getting earthdog planned. Today, I tried very hard to convince the people to let me help with the rats, but they claimed that my sort of help wasn't wanted.  Boy, I wish they had let me loose with them.


  1. Heddy here, Mom says the car is almost packed I have NO idea where she can put ANYTHING else sure hope she saved room for me.
    Hey about those RATS, I get there tomorrow if I sneak over could you introduce me to one I haven't had the pleasure yet and not sure what to think.?
    Mom says wait till Wed. Then I will find out ALL About it!
    See you soon.

  2. Looking forward to seeing you Heddy!
